Alejandro Ramírez
Alejandro F. Ramírez
Profesor Titular
Departamento de Matemáticas
Facultad de
Pontificia Universidad
Católica de Chile
Vicuña Mackenna
4860, Macul
Santiago 7820436, Chile
Phone: +56-2-23545466
Dept. Fax: +56-2-25525916
E-Mail :
Latest Preprints &
- Large deviations at the origin of random walk in random
environment. A. Drewitz, A.F. Ramírez, S. Saglietti and Z. Zheng.
- KPZ fluctuations in the planar stochastic heat
equation. J. Quastel, A.F. Ramírez and B. Virag.
accepted in Duke Math. J. (2024).
- A non-oriented first passage percolation model and
statistical invariance by time reversal. A.F. Ramírez,
S. Saglietti and L. Shao. Stochastic Processes Appl. 175, Article ID 104413, 8 p. (2024).
- Cyclic products and optimal traps in cyclic birth and death
chains. M. Holmes, A. Holroyd and A.F. Ramírez. Electron. J. Combin. 30 (2) (2023)
. [arxiv]
- The effect of disorder on quenched and averaged large
deviations for random walks in random environments: boundary
behavior. R. Bazaes, C. Mukherjee, A.F. Ramírez and S.Saglietti.
Stochastic Process. Appl., 158, 207-238 (2023) . [arxiv]
- Balanced excited random walk in two dimensions. O. Angel, M.
Holmes and A.F. Ramírez. Ann. Probab. 51(4) 1421-1448 (2023) . [arxiv]
- Quenched and averaged large deviation rate functions for
random walks in random environments: the impact of disorder. R.
Bazaes, C. Mukherjee, A.F. Ramírez and S. Saglietti. Ann. Appl. Probab. 33(3) 2210-2246 (2023). [arxiv]
- Computable criteria for ballisticity of random walks in random
environment. A.F. Ramírez and R. Ribeiro. Electron J. Probab., 27, 1-38 (2022). [arxiv]
- Second order cubic fluctuations of quenched large deviations
for perturbed Beta random walks. G. Oviedo, G. Panizo and A.F.
Ramírez. Electron J. Probab., 27, 1-45 (2022) [arxiv]
- An overview of the balanced excited random walk. D. Camarena,
G. Panizo and A.F. Ramírez, In and out of equilibrium 3:
celebrating Vladas Sidoravicius, Vares, M.E. (ed.); Fernández,
R.; Fontes, R. (ed.); Newman, C. (ed.); Progress in Probability,
77, Birkhaüser (2021). [arxiv]
- New high dimensional examples of ballistic random walks in
random environment. R. Fukushima and A.F. Ramírez, Stochastic
Analysis on Large Scale Interacting Systems 2018, RIMS Kôkyûroku
Bessatsu, B79, Res. Inst. Math. Sci. (RIMS), Kyoto, (2020). [pdf].
- A proof of Sznitman's conjecture about ballistic RWRE. E.
Guerra and A.F. Ramírez, Comm. Pure Appl. Math. 73,
2087-2103 (2020). [pdf]
- Velocity estimates for symmetric random walks at low ballistic
disorder. C. Laurent, A.F. Ramírez, C. Sabot and S. Saglietti,
Sojourns in probability and statistical physics III, in honor of
the 70th birthday of C. Newman, Springer Proceedings in
Mathematics & Statistics, 274-325 (2019). [ps]
- Stable limit laws and structure of the scaling function for
reaction-diffusion in random environment. G. Ben Arous, S.
Molchanov and A.F. Ramírez, International conference in honor of
the 75th birthday of S.R.S. Varadhan, Probability and Analysis
in Interacting Physical Systems, Springer Proceedings in
Mathematics & Statistics, 123-171 (2019). [ps]
- New examples of ballistic RWRE in the low disorder regime.
A.F. Ramírez and S. Saglietti, Electron. J. Probab. 24
(2019). [pdf]
- Random polymers on the complete graph. F. Comets, G. Moreno
and A.F. Ramírez, Bernoulli 25, 683-711 (2019). [pdf]
- Quenched invariance principle for random walk in
time-dependent balanced random environment. J.-D. Deuschel, X.
Guo and A.F. Ramírez, Ann. Inst. H. Poincaré Probab.
Statist. 54(1) 363-384 (2018). [ps] [pdf]
- Asymptotic expansion of the invariant measure for ballistic
random walks in random environment in the low disorder regime.
D. Campos and A.F. Ramírez, Ann. Probab. 45(6B),
4675-4699 (2017). [ps] [pdf]
- Asymptotic direction for random walks in mixing random
environments. E. Guerra and A.F. Ramírez, Electron. J. Probab. 22
41pp. (2017). [ps] [pdf]
- Fluctuations of the front in a one-dimensional model for the
spread of an infection. J. Bérard and A.F. Ramírez, Ann. Probab.
44(5), 2770-2816 (2016). [ps] [pdf]
- Sharp ellipticity conditions for ballistic behavior of random
walks in random environment. E. Bouchet, A.F. Ramírez and C.
Sabot, Bernoulli 22, 969-994 (2016). [ps] [pdf]
- Almost exponential decay for the exit probability from slabs
of ballistic RWRE, E. Guerra and A.F. Ramírez, Electron. J.
Probab. 20 1-17 (2015) [ps] [pdf]
- Selected topics in random walks in random environments. A.
Drewitz and A.F. Ramírez, Topics in percolative and
disordered systems, 2383, Springer Proc. Math.
Stat., 69, Springer, New York, (2014). [ps]
- Ellipticity criteria for ballistic behavior of random walks in
random environment. D. Campos and A.F. Ramírez, Probab. Theory
Related Fields 160, 189-251 (2014). [ps]
- Effective polynomial ballisticity condition for random walk
in random environment. N. Berger, A. Drewitz and A.F. Ramírez,
Comm. Pure Appl. Math. 67, 1947-1973 (2014). [ps] [pdf]
- Last passage percolation and travelling fronts. F. Comets, J.
Quastel and A.F. Ramírez, J. Stat. Phys. 152, 419-451 (2013). [ps] [pdf]
- Level 1 quenched large deviation principle for random walk in
dynamic random environment. D. Campos, A. Drewitz, A.F. Ramírez,
F. Rassoul-Agha and T. Seppalainen, Bull. Inst. Math. Acad. Sin.
(N.S.) in honor of the 70th birthday of S.R.S. Varadhan, 8(1), 1-29 (2013). [ps] [pdf]
- On a general many-dimensional excited random walk. M.
Menshikov, S. Popov, A.F. Ramírez and M. Vachkovskaia, Ann.
Probab. 40(5),
2106-2130 (2012). [ps] [pdf]
- Quenched exit estimates and ballisticity conditions for higher
dimensional random walk in random environment. A. Drewitz
and A.F. Ramírez, Ann. Probab. 40(2),
459-534 (2012). [ps] [pdf]
- Asymptotic Shape and Propagation of Fronts for Growth Models
in Dynamic Random Environment. H. Kesten, A.F. Ramírez and V.
Sidoravicius, Probability in Complex Physical Systems-In honour
of Erwin Bolthausen and Jürgen Gärtner, Springer Proceedings in
Mathematics 11, 195-224 (2012). [ps] [pdf]
- Survival probability of a random walk among a Poisson system
of moving traps. A. Drewitz, J. Gärtner, A.F. Ramírez and R.
Sun, Probability in Complex Physical Systems-In honour of Erwin
Bolthausen and Jürgen Gärtner, Springer Proceedings in
Mathematics 11, 119-158 (2012). [ps] [pdf]
- Ballisticity conditions for random walk in random environment.
A. Drewitz and A.F. Ramírez, Probab. Theory Related Fields 150, 61-75 (2011). [ps] [pdf]
- Large deviations of the front in a one dimensional model of
X+Y-->2X. J. Bérard and A.F. Ramírez, Ann. Probab. 38(3), 955-1018 (2010). [ps] [pdf]
- Asymptotic directions in random walk in random environment
revisited. A. Drewitz and A.F.Ramírez, Braz. J. Probab. 24, 212-225 (2010). [ps] [pdf]
- Fluctuations of the front in a one dimensional model of
X+Y-->2X. F. Comets, J. Quastel and A. F. Ramírez, Trans.
Amer. Math. Soc. 361,
6165-6189 (2009). [ps] [pdf]
- Front propagation in an exclusion one-dimensional reactive
dynamics. M. Jara, G. Moreno and A.F. Ramírez, Markov Process.
Related Fields, 18,
185-206 (2008). [ps] [pdf]
- Central limit theorem for the excited random walk in dimension
d>=2. J. Bérard and A.F. Ramírez, Electron. Comm.
Probab., 12, 303-314 (2007). [ps] [pdf]
- Transition asymptotics for reaction-diffusion in random media.
G. Ben Arous, S. Molchanov and A.F. Ramírez, Probability
and Mathematical Physics: A Volume in Honor of Stanislav
Molchanov, Editors - AMS | CRM,
42, 1-40 (2007). [ps] [pdf]
- Fluctuations of the front in a stochastic combustion model. F.
Comets, J. Quastel and A.F. Ramírez, Ann. Inst. H. Poincaré Probab. Statist., 43(2),
147-162 (2007).[ps] [pdf]
- Transition from the annealed to the quenched asymptotics for a
random walk on random obstacles. G. Ben Arous, S. Molchanov and
A.F. Ramírez, Ann. Probab. 33(6),
2149-2187 (2005). [ps] [pdf]
- Asymptotic behavior of a stochastic combustion growth
process. A.F. Ramírez and V. Sidoravicius, J. Eur. Math.
Soc. (JEMS), 6(3), 293-334 (2004). [ps] [pdf]
- Internal DLA in a Random Environment. G. Ben Arous, J.
Quastel and A.F. Ramírez, Ann. Inst. H. Poincaré Probab. Statist., 39(2), 301-324 (2003).[ps] [pdf]
- During the second term of 2022 I am teaching Análisis
Funcional. My previous teaching activities are described here.
- Random
media and random structures in Lima, January
6-10, 2020.
- Random
walks with memory, May
29-June 2, 2017.
- Random
media in Atacama, in honor of Francis Comets 60th
birthday, December 12-16, 2016.
- PASI: Topics in
percolative and disordered systems, January 2-15, 2012.
- Workshop on Random
Walks, Particle Systems and Random Media, January
14-18, 2008.
- Analysis
& Probability in Quantum Physics, July 27- August 4, 2006.
- Percolation,
Particle Systems and Random Media, January 12-17, 2004.
Editorial Activities
Millenium nucleus
stochastic models of disordered and complex systems
Percolative and
Disordered Systems
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Feb. 22nd -
Mar. 22nd