Publicaciones de Carmen Cortázar:


    1. C. Cortázar, M. Elgueta, R. Macías. A strong 1-1weighted norm inequality for fractional integral operators. Revista Notas de la Sociedad de Matemática de Chile, Vol. 2, No. 2, (1982).
    2. C. Cortázar, The application of dissipative operators to nonlinear diffusion equations. Journal of Diff. Eq., Vol. 47 (1983), 1-23.
    3. C. Cortázar, M. Elgueta. The asymptotic behaviour of the solution of a nonlinear diffusion equation. S.I.A.M., Journal of Math. Analysis, Vol. 16, No. 2, (1985), 251-258.
    4. C. Cortázar, M. Elgueta, Existence of generalized solutions of nonlinear diffusion Cauchy problem, S.I.A.M. Journal of Math. Analysis, Vol. 18, No. 5(1987) 1385-1393.
    5. C. Cortázar, M.Elgueta, Large time behaviour of solutions of a nonlinear reaction-diffusion equation, Houston Journal of Math., Vol. 13, No. 4 (1987) 487-497.
    6. C. Cortázar, M. Elgueta, Sobre localización de soluciones de la ecuación de medios porosos, Cuadernos del Instituto de Matemática ``Beppo Levi", Rosario, Argetina (1988).
    7. C. Cortázar, M. Elgueta, Localization and boundedness of the solutions of the Neumann problem for a filtration equation, Nonlinear Analysis T.M. & A., Vol. 13, (1989), 33-41.
    8. C. Cortázar, M. Elgueta, Taxonometric division of convex sets, Notas Sociedad de Matemática de Chile, Vol. 8, No. 1 (1989) 21-26.
    9. C. Cortázar, M. Elgueta, A monotonicity result related to a parabolic inverse problem, Inverse Problems, Vol. 6, No. 4 (1990) 515-521.
    10. C. Cortázar, M. Elgueta, Unstability of the steady solution of a nonlinear reaction diffusion equation, Houston Journal of Math., 17(1), (1991) 149-155.
    11. C. Cortázar, M. Elgueta, J.L. Vásquez, Diffusivity determination in non linear diffusion. Eur. Journal of Appl. Math. Vol. No. 2 (1991) 156-169.
    12.  Ph. Benilan, C. Cortázar, M.Elgueta, Uniqueness and non uniqueness of the solutions of a mixed boundary value problem for the porous medium equation . Revista de la Unión Matemática Argentina. Vol. 37, (1991) 10-15.
    13. C. Cortázar, M. Elgueta, P. Felmer, Existence of signed solutions for a semilinear elliptic boundary value problem. Differ. Integral Equ.7(1)(1994) 293-299.
    14. C. Cortázar, M. Elgueta, How long does it take for a gas to fill a porous container?. Proceedings of the A.M.S. 122,(1994)449-459.
    15. C. Cortázar, M. Elgueta, M. Primicerio, Localization of the solution of a one-dimensional one-phase Stefan problem. Rend.Ist.Mat.Univ.Trieste 28 (1-2) (1996)71-82.
    16. C. Cortázar, M. Elgueta, P. Felmer, On a semilinear elliptic problem in tex2html_wrap_inline39with a non-Lipschitzian non-linearity. Adv. in Diff. Eq., Vol. 1, No. 2, (1996),199-218.
    17. C. Cortázar, M. Elgueta, P. Felmer, Symmetry in an elliptic problem and the blow-up set of a quasilinear heat equation.Commun. in P.D.E.,21 (1996)507-520.
    18. C. Cortázar, M. del Pino, M.Elgueta, On the short-time behavior of the free boundary of a porous medium eqution.Duke Math.J.,87(1997)133-149.
    19. C. Cortázar, M.Elgueta, P. Felmer, Uniqueness of positive solutions of tex2html_wrap_inline41 in tex2html_wrap_inline39tex2html_wrap_inline45 ". Arch.RationalMech.Anal.142(1998)127-141.
    20. C. Cortázar, M.Elgueta, P. Felmer, Some uniqueness results for tex2html_wrap_inline41in tex2html_wrap_inline39tex2html_wrap_inline45 . Reaction diffusion systems.Lecture Notes Pure Appl Math 194 .Marcel Dekker. (1998).
    21. C. Cortázar, M. del Pino, M.Elgueta, On the blow-up set for tex2html_wrap_inline53 . Indiana Univ. Journal.47(1998)541-561.
    22. C.Cortázar, M.Elgueta, J. Rossi, Uniqueness and non-uniqueness for a system of heat equation with non-linear coupling at the boundary. Journal of Nonlinear Analysis.27(1999)257-267.
    23. C. Cortázar, M. del Pino, M.Elgueta, The problem of uniqueness of the limit in a semilinear heat equation. Commun. in P.D.E.,24 (1999) 2147-2172.
    24. C. Cortázar, M. del Pino, M.Elgueta, Description of regional blow-up in a porous-medium equation. Proceedings of the 2001 Luminy Conference on Quasilinear Elliptic and  Parabolic Equations and System, 85--101 (electronic), Electron. J. Differ. Equ. Conf., 8, Southwest Texas  State Univ., San Marcos, TX, 2002.
    25. C. Cortázar, M. del Pino, M.Elgueta, Uniqueness  and stability of regional blow-up in a porous-medium equation. Ann. Inst. H. Poincaré Anal. Non Linéaire 19 (2002), no. 6, 927--960.
    26. C. Cortázar, M.Elgueta, J,  RossiShort time behavior near the boundary for the heat equation with a nonlinear boundary condition. Nonlinear Anal.  50 (2002), no. 2, Ser. A: Theory Methods, 205--213.
    27. C. Cortázar, M.Elgueta, J,  RossiUniqueness and non-uniqueness for the porous medium equation with a nonlinear boundary condition.Differ. Integral Equ.,16, (2003),1215-1222.
    28. M. Chuaqui, C. Cortázar, M. Elgueta, C. Flores J.García-Melían,  R. Letelier On an elliptic problem with boundary blow-up and singular weight: the radial case. Proc. Roy. Soc. Edinburgh Sect. A.,133 N°6,(2003),1283-1297.
    29. C. Cortázar , M.Elgueta, O.Venegas On the blow-up set for u_t=(u^m)_{xx} with nonlinear boundary conditions. Monatsh.Math.,142 N° 1-2,(2004) ,45-56.
    30. M. Chuaqui, C. Cortázar, M. Elgueta, J.García-Melían,Uniqueness and boundary behavior of large solutions to elliptic problems with singular weighs. Commun. Pure Appl.Anal.,3 N° 4,(2004), 653-662.
    31. C. Cortázar, M.Elgueta, J,  Rossi,.A non-local diffusion equationwhose solutions develop a free boundary Ann. Henri Poincaré 6 (2005), no. 2, 269–281.
    32. C. Cortázar,M.Garcia-huidobro.On the uniqueness of ground state solutions of a semilinear equation containing a weighted laplatian. Commun. Pure Appl. Anal. 5 (2006), no. 1, 71–84
    33. C. Cortázar; Elgueta, Manuel; Rossi, Julio D.; Wolanski, Noemi Boundary fluxes for nonlocal diffusion. J. Differential Equations 234 (2007), no. 2, 360–390. 
    34. C. Cortázar; Coville, J.; Elgueta, M.; Martínez, S. A nonlocal inhomogeneous dispersal process. J. Differential Equations 241 (2007), no. 2, 332–358
    35. C. Cortázar; Elgueta, Manuel Non-local diffusion. Workshop on Mathematical Modelling of Energy and Mass Transfer Processes, and Applications, 17–24, MAT Ser. A Conf. Semin. Trab. Mat., 15, Univ. Austral, Rosario, 2008
    36. C. Cortázar; Elgueta, Manuel; Rossi, Julio D.; Wolanski, Noemi How to approximate the heat equation with Neumann boundary conditions by nonlocal diffusion problems. Arch. Ration. Mech. Anal. 187 (2008), no. 1, 137–156.
    37. C. Cortázar; Elgueta, Manuel; Rossi, Julio D. Nonlocal diffusion problems that approximate the heat equation with Dirichlet boundary conditions. Israel J. Math. 170 (2009), 53–60.
    38. C. Cortázar; García-Huidobro, Marta; Yarur, Cecilia S. On the uniqueness of the second bound state solution of a semilinear equation. Ann. Inst. H. Poincaré Anal. Non Linéaire 26 (2009), no. 6, 2091–2110
    39. C. Cortázar; Elgueta, Manuel; García-Melián, Jorge; Martínez, Salomé Existence and asymptotic behavior of solutions to some inhomogeneous nonlocal diffusion problems. SIAM J. Math. Anal. 41 (2009), no. 5, 2136–2164
    40. C. Cortázar; Elgueta, M.; Martínez, S.; Rossi, J. D. Random walks and the porous medium equation. Rev. Un. Mat. Argentina 50 (2009), no. 2, 149–155