Alejandro Jara

Full Professor

Department of Statistics

Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile


I am a Full Professor of Statistics at the Department of Statistics of the Catholic University of Chile. I got a M.Sc. in Statistics from the Catholic University of Chile and a Ph.D. in Science (Mathematics) from the Catholic University of Leuven (Belgium). I am the Director Center for the Discovery of Structures in Complex Data, originally funded by a grant awarded in 2018 by Iniciativa Científica Milenio.

My research interests include: Nonparametric Bayesian Statistics, Markov Chain Monte Carlo methods and Statistical Computing. The links at the top lead to information on research, papers and softwares.


- ISBA Fellow: I am both grateful and humbled to receive this recognition. Being selected as an ISBA fellow is among the highest honors of my career, and it was all made possible thanks to my family, friends, students, and colleagues in Chile and around the world.

- NEW PAPER: "On dependent Dirichlet processes for general Polish spaces" written in collaboration with A. Iturriaga and C. Sing Long. It has been published in Electronic Journal of Statistics.

- NEW PAPER: "Identifying outbreaks in sewer networks: An adaptive sampling scheme under network's uncertainty" written in collaboration with J. Baboun, I. Beaudry, L.M. Castro, F. Gutierrez, B. Rubio, and J. Verschae. It has been published in PNAS.

- TOP 25 READ ARTICLES OF 2023. Our article "Effectiveness of the second COVID-19 booster against Omicron: a large-scale cohort study in Chile" was one of the most read* Nature Communications" articles in COVID-19 in 2023.

- I am looking for highly motivated statisticians, data scientists or computer scientists, interested to applying for a Postdoctoral Research Grant from the Chilean National Fund for Scientific and Technological Research (FONDECYT). Please send me an email if you are interested.

Old News

- The Bayesian nonparametric (BNP) conference will be visiting South America for the first time!! We will be hosting BNP13 in october 2022, an international conference bringing together leading experts from around the world. For more details please visit the web of conference:

- I have been elected chair of the Section on Bayesian Nonparametrics of ISBA. The purpose of the Bayesian Nonparametrics Section of ISBA is to promote research in Bayesian nonparametric inference by organizing workshops and sessions in other meetings.

- Starting August 1st, 2020, I am the Faculty Associate Dean of Community Outreach and Engagement.

- Starting January 1st, 2017, I am the Faculty Associate Dean of Research and Graduate Studies (term 2017 - July 31st, 2019).

- March 30th, 2015. Due to irreconcilable differences with the current editorial line of the journal, I have resigned as an AE for Biostatistics.

- I am Program Chair of the Bayesian nonparametric section of ISBA (term 2014 - 2016).

- Starting December 1st, 2014, I am an Associate Editor for Biostatistics.

- I am a member of the Board of the International Society for Bayesian Analysis (ISBA) (term 2014 - 2016).

- Starting July 1st, 2013, I am an Associate Editor for Statistical Modelling.

- Starting January 1st, 2013, I am an Associate Editor for Bayesian Analysis.

- I am a member of the 2015 Mitchell Prize Committee.