Georgi Raikov's Homepage


Mailing Address:
Gueorgui Raykov
Faculty of Mathematics
Pontifical Catholic University of Chile
ña Mackenna 4860, Macul
Santiago de Chile


Phone: (56 2) 2354 4917
Fax: (56 2) 2552 5916
E-mail: graikov(at)



Research Areas:


Partial differential equations

Mathematical physics

Spectral and scattering theory of self-adjoint operators


Current Research Interests:

Asymptotic analysis of eigenvalues and resonances of quantum Hamiltonians

Theory of the spectral shift function for the Schroedinger, Pauli, and Dirac operators

Spectral theory for partial differential operators with random coefficients

Spectral methods of the ideal magnetohydrodynamics  




My Papers

My Coauthors

Organizing Committees

Participation in Scientific Events



Spectral Theory and PDE Seminar