A posteriori error estimates for a mixed-FEM formulation of a nonlinear elliptic problem

Rodolfo Araya, Tomás P. Barrios, Gabriel N. Gatica, Norbert Heuer
Comput. Methods Appl. Mech. Engrg. 191 (21-22), 2317-2336, 2002.

We consider the numerical solution, via the mixed finite element method, of a nonlinear elliptic partial differential equation in divergence form with Dirichlet boundary conditions. Besides the temperature and the flux, we introduce the gradient of the temperature as a further unknown, which yields a variational formulation with a two-fold saddle point structure. We derive a reliable a-posteriori error estimate that depends on the solution of a local linear boundary value problem, which does not need any equilibrium property for its solvability. In addition, for specific finite element subspaces of Raviart-Thomas type we are able to provide a simpler a-posteriori error estimate that does not require the explicit solution of the local problems. Our approach does not need the exact finite element solution, but any reasonable approximation of it, such as, for instance, the one obtained with a fully discrete Galerkin scheme. In particular, we suggest a scheme that uses quadrature formulas to evaluate all the linear and semi-linear forms involved. Finally, several numerical results illustrate the suitability of the error estimator for the adaptive computation of the corresponding discrete solutions.