Robust coupling of DPG and BEM for a singularly perturbed transmission problem

Thomas Führer and Norbert Heuer
Comput. Math. Appl. 74 (8), 1940-1954, 2017.

We consider a transmission problem consisting of a singularly perturbed reaction diffusion equation on a bounded domain and the Laplacian in the exterior, connected through standard transmission conditions. We establish a DPG scheme coupled with Galerkin boundary elements for its discretization, and prove its robustness for the field variables in so-called balanced norms. Our coupling scheme is the one from [Führer, Heuer, Karkulik: On the coupling of DPG and BEM, Math. Comp., 2017] adapted to the singularly perturbed case by using the scheme from [Heuer, Karkulik: A robust DPG method for singularly perturbed reaction diffusion problems, SIAM J. Numer. Anal., 2017]. Essential feature of our method is that optimal test functions have to be computed only locally. We report on various numerical experiments in two dimensions.