Preconditioned Minimum Residual Iteration for the h-p Version of the Coupled FEM/BEM with Quasi-uniform Meshes

Norbert Heuer, Matthias Maischak, Ernst P. Stephan
Numer. Linear Algebra Appl., 6 (6), 435-456, 1999.

We propose and analyze efficient preconditioners for the minimum residual method to solve indefinite, symmetric systems of equations arising from the h-p version for the finite element and boundary element coupling. According to the structure of the Galerkin matrix we study 2- and 3-block preconditioners corresponding to Neumann and Dirichlet problems for the finite element discretization. In the case of exact inversion of the blocks we obtain bounded iteration numbers for the 2-block Jacobi solver and $O(h^{-3/4}p^{3/2})$ iteration numbers for the 3-block Jacobi solver. Here, $h$ denotes the mesh size and $p$ the polynomial degree. For the efficient 2-block method we analyze the influence of various preconditioners which are based on further decomposing the trial functions into nodal, edge, and interior functions. By further splitting the ansatz space with respect to basis functions associated with the edges we obtain a partially diagonal preconditioner. The penultimate method requires $O(\log^2 p)$ iterations whereas the latter method needs $O(p\log^2 p)$ iterations. Numerical results are presented which support the theory.